Capturing Requirements

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Inside every one the defined packages in the previous item is added a Requirements Diagram from Topcased Editor, in which is drawn requirements blocks for each requirement. For example, the functional requirements for Supervision and Maintenance Engineer are:


 Fig1. Requirements Diagram - Supervision and Maintenence Engineer Stakeholder

Once the stakeholders requirements are finished, is analyzed every one to get the system technical requirements (see manual), in our case are the following:

Functional requirements

a) The unit shall capture acceleration (vibrations) in at least one axis.
b) Each acceleration measurement made shall be time stamped.
c) The unit shall transmit each acceleration measurement to the local system for presentation/storage in a PC.
d) The unit shall display each acceleration measurement locally.

Interface requirements

a) Communication between the unit and the local unit shall use a standard communication protocol.
b) Communication between the unit and the local unit must be wireless and its operation frequency shall be in a permitted band.

Technological requirements

a) The unit shall be powered from the power grid
b) The unit shall have a backup power system
c) The unit shall use accelerometers from the Analog Device (ADXL, ADIS) family.

These requirements are drawn inside Requirement diagrams, which were added in every one the packages created in the “System Technical” package.