Tools Overview

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The intention of the HiLeS Framework is to serve as a base for constructing a Hardware Product Line (HPL) for a particular family of embedded systems. The process of constructing a family of embedded systems and its corresponding HPL is a two step process: i) Construct the core assets and the Specialized HiLeS HPL ii) Use the Specialized HiLeS HPL to construct particular products (more information can be found in the User Manual). Both the HiLeS Framework and the Specialized HiLeS HPL are based on the Eclipse RCP architecture and share a common architecture and a set of components (eclipse plugins). An overview of the architecture is presented in Figure 1. We have used Packaging Components to provide a grouped view of components that provide support for a speci fic domain or a transformation step of the Model Transformation Chain (we have omitted the packages that are part of the eclipse product):


The Specialized HiLeS HPL would have an additional component that contains the HPL core assets. 
